I frequently hear from new beard growers who are intimidated about letting their new beards grow much beyond the stubble stage. Fear not. Carry on. Let it grow. Too often, they express fear that a beard growing longer than stubble will be too long! These fears are unfounded. With a new beard, your self-perception is altered. The thought of going beyond stubble may terrify you, with visions of presenting a monster beard. A monster beard — or simply one that you feel is too big or too long — requires going far beyond stubble. Ease up. Don’t worry. Don’t stop growing.
If you’re growing a new beard, don’t stop before you’re done. Don’t stunt your new beard. Let it grow beyond the stubble without fear. Let it grow out, fill in, and blossom. Give it a fair chance.
A beard beyond stubble length is more of a real beard. If the stubble beard is what you really want, then keep it at that length. But if you’re growing a new beard, don’t be afraid to go beyond stubble. Otherwise, you deprive yourself and others of seeing your fully-grown beard in all its glory.
So how long should you let your new beard grow? You don’t have to let it grow to the size of Rich’s beard pictured above. But you should get closer to his length than clinging to the stubble range. See how you like the way your beard shapes up after passing the stubble stage. You may be pleasantly surprised. Rich’s beard, above, clearly demonstrates that a fully-grown beard can appear neat and well-groomed.
Keep growing!
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