Category Archives: about beards

topics about beards

trimming The World’s Greatest Beard™

Some guys humorously think of their beards like a pet. A great friend of mine put a whole different twist on that. Oh, and he just happens to have what I consider to be The World’s Greatest Beard™. He told me that he has always trimmed his beard himself and that he makes quick work of it. The results are always flawless. My friend further stated that he has always been pretty nonchalant about trimming his beard — so much so that for years he routinely did his speedy beard-trimming work with same electric pet clippers that he used for trimming his dog.

Despite a product warning “for animal use only” and despite using the clippers even on the dog’s rear end, he just grabbed the pet clippers whenever he was ready to trim his beard. Why bother with getting a fancy, highfalutin beard trimmer when the plain old dog clippers could do such a spiffy job? He did clarify, however, that he cleaned the clippers between the dog’s behind and beard trims.

Will using pet clippers develop your beard into one of the world’s greatest? No. Do not try this at home!

fear the beard — in a good way!

The fine tradition of the hockey playoff beard has yet to be properly addressed here at But it’s that time of year again and a good friend tipped me off to a cool site for San José Sharks fans to grow and show off their own playoff beards: (defunct link removed).

Go there, Sharks fans, and start growing and showing off those playoff beards. Whatever team you support, you’re always welcome to show off your playoff beard here, too! Just email me.


Brian kindly participated in an exclusive photo shoot for all about beards yesterday, the 8th of March. This is a continuation of the site’s original beard photography project. Look for Brian soon in the featured beards section of the site.

UPDATE: Brian is now in the documentary beard photography section.  His photo album is here.


great beard song!

Noah recently wrote to inform me that some other students at his school told him about After checking out the site, he was inspired to write a song about beards! He performs his song in this video:

(Defunct video link removed.)


I got the invitation
A month in advance.
They said it’s black tie optional
Just no athletic pants.

My head starts to accelerate
What should I wear?
I’m really more worried
About what do with my hair!

Who don’t like facial hair?
They’re insane, I must declare!
Having a beard is the best thing in the land
It is the manliest part of being a man!

I will be warm in the winter
I will be looking totally extreme
The only problem at the moment
Is that I am only fifteen!

So when can I grow it?
It will be here soon, I guess
While I’m growing my soul patch
I’ll be growing it with finesse!

Chin Curtain? FO CERTAIN!
Balbo? FO SHO!
Extended goatee? YES PLEASE!
Just grow a ‘stache, or maybe a soul patch

Who don’t like facial hair?
They’re insane, I must declare!
Having a beard is the best thing in the land
It is the manliest part of being a man!


Awesome song, Noah!!! Thanks!

adding more beards to the world


Could you imagine never allowing the world to see this beard? This is Dale. More than a year ago, a friend recommended to Dale that he visit Dale checked out the site and was immediately inspired to start growing his beard. He has been growing his beard and experimenting with different styles ever since. That’s one more beard in the world, thanks to

Of course, Dale’s industrial-strength beard is not the only beard whose growth was inspired by the site. Several are documented in the beard success stories section of the site. Those, however, represent only a tiny fraction of the beards added to the world in response to the influence of I know of lots more. I am sure that there are even more out there that I haven’t heard about and likely never will. If you are among those who grew a beard because this site convinced you to try it, drop me a line to let me know. And if you’d like to appear on the site, be sure to mention that!

If you know someone who could grow a beard, be sure to tell him to get to and start growing. He could be the next Dale! Remember that Dale’s example shows that it works! Do your part to add more beards to the world.

Cell phone photo of Dale above is provided courtesy of Dale and used with permission.

Have a GREAT bearded 2008!

all about beards' twelfth anniversary

Happy New Year from all about beards!

Later this month, the site celebrates its twelfth anniversary. Beards are continuing to gain momentum with each year that passes. Let’s make 2008 the best year ever for beards.

As the first day of a new year, today is a great day to start growing your beard. Go to the growing a beard page and get started right now! Know anyone who can grow a beard but hasn’t? Send them all to the growing a beard page and have them get started growing right now!

Have a GREAT bearded 2008!

the gift of a beard

Recently, Arthur Martins of Brazil wrote, “The reason why I grow my beard is because I really think beards are a gift (otherwise everyone would have one).”  Others have expressed the same idea in feedback to the site over the years.  Yes, a beard is a gift.  Gifts differ, however, so not all men are capable of growing a beard.  Those with the gift of a beard should share it by growing the beard for all to see.

Beard Team USA in eBay video

Captain of the team Phil Olsen and three beard team members, including esteemed world champion Burke, who appears in our featured beard section, make an impressive appearance in a promotional video for eBay. Check out the video here:

(defunct link removed)

If it’s not already selected, click on the “PRIDE” episode in the list. They appear at approximately 2:50 into the running time of the video.

beard growing season

Today is the first of November.  The date has become sort of the official start of beard growing season in the northern hemisphere.  If you’ve been thinking of growing a beard, it’s a great time to start.  If you’re a little too shy to go it alone, start a beard-growing contest among friends or co-workers.  It’s the perfect excuse.  At the end of the contest, of course, you can always choose to remain bearded.

For those of you in the southern hemisphere, it’s a good time for you to start growing a beard, too.  There’s no real reason why springtime is less appropriate for starting a new beard than is the fall.

Start growing!