Chris joins the beards.org featured beards today! Check out his beard feature: Chris’s fierce beard.
Chris joins the beards.org featured beards today! Check out his beard feature: Chris’s fierce beard.
Beards.org’s famous “truly outstanding beard” man has occupied a place of honor in the beards.org logo in the upper left corner of the site for years. No one else’s beard had ever been seen in that spot…until recently.
With the launch of Paul’s beard feature, his comment about rivaling the “truly outstanding beard” man stuck with me. Soon, I decided to try out the unthinkable: replace the “truly outstanding beard” man with Paul in the logo. At first, I thought the switch would mainly be done for fun. But once Paul was up there, I have been thinking of leaving the changed logo there for the foreseeable future.
Of course, no one could ever actually replace the “truly outstanding beard” man. He is definitely a beard hall-of-famer.