Shepherd Sesquicentennial Beard Contest

Michigan’s Village of Shepherd celebrates its 150th anniversary this month. Part of the celebration is a beard contest. Word is that there are about twenty competitors. Judging will take place on the 18th of August and the bearded competitors will march in the parade on the 19th. The contest has its own blog: Shepherd Sesquicentennial Beard Contest. Check it out!

Best of luck to all competitors! And congratulations to the Village of Shepherd on its 150th anniversary!

2 thoughts on “Shepherd Sesquicentennial Beard Contest”

  1. Just found this website today after searching for beard tips on the net. I am only 5 or 6 days into trying to grow my first ever beard. I aven’t got a clue really.

    Anyway; hello every body

  2. I checked out the Shepherd, Michigan Sequicentenial Beard Contest. Being from Michigan myself, I thouth that I might enter.

    BUT! If I undersrood the rules correctly I’d have to start out clean shaven and I’m not willing to do that.

    I’m aiming for the world competition in Anchorage, Alaska in 2009 and want all the growth I can muster for then.

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